суббота, 11 декабря 2021 г.

A bit about me and what the blog is about.

  Hello everyone, my name is Nurullaev Sardorbek. I am a student at Inha University in Tashkent, and you are reading my blog right now. I pondered for a long time about what topic I could write on my blog, and in the end, I decided to write about what I am familiar with - The gaming industry. 

  The gaming industry is relatively young, but that makes it no less interesting. The gaming industry began in the 70s and has grown from a small market to the mainstream for several decades. And in these 50 years, the gaming industry has come on an incredible journey. I want to write about it on this blog.

If you disassemble my plans for this blog in more detail, then I plan to talk about genres in the gaming industry, their rise and fall, monumental games and their creators, how game franchises were born and died, and so on.

  I chose this topic for many reasons. First of all, I am pretty good at it. Secondly, I’m trite to write about it, I would not be able to write about something that I’m not interested in. (although I write this text :)). And on top of that, I think the gaming industry is important to society. While we play video games, we not only take a break from our daily routine but also experience that we could not have experienced otherwise.

I'm sure ... we'll have a good time!

2 комментария:

The most iconic Total War games

  This blog is a continuation of my previous blog, in which I briefly talked about the Total War series. In this blog, I'm going to talk...